Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Disneys Pocahontas - History And Entertainment - A Study In Collision Movie Review

Disneys Pocahontas - History And Entertainment - A Study In Collision - Movie Review Example One more notable thing is the movie’s perspectives in terms of it background’s design. When Pocahontas took that leap off the cliff, we are taken in awe by the cliff’s height. Trees seem to be of gigantic size making a lot of the scenes a feast of, as well as a visual adventure. At some point in the movie, we begin to wonder if such a paradise exists. After some clicks on the net, we realize that although Jamestown does exist, as did the characters and the tribe, the topography was entirely fictional if not a collection of travel brochures. Now the question of whether that matters obviously depends on where the question is coming from. For the producers, in the case of the making of Pocahontas, they cared about two things: making tons of money and garnering awards. Although â€Å"Pocahontas† did not register as well as â€Å"Lion King† at the box office, it did win both the Golden Globe and the Oscar for its theme song, â€Å"Colors Of The Windâ₠¬ , it also earned a sizable amount. As it does traditionally, the introduction of cutesy animal characters guaranteed the inclusion of the youngsters’ attraction to this animated film. That these animal characters do not talk at all, made the movie able concentrate on the love-drama between the main characters and the people surrounding them. Plot-wise, Pocahontas was able to nail it. There were minimal loopholes. Story-wise, it was quite tight. We find ourselves smile a little when we see How quite systematic the natives farmed at that time. ... sizable amount. As it does traditionally, the introduction of cutesy animal characters guaranteed the inclusion of the youngsters' attraction to the this animated film. That these animal characters do not talk at all, made the movie able concentrate on the love-drama between the main characters and the people surrounding them. Plot-wise, Pocahontas was able to nail it. There were minimal loopholes. Story-wise, it was quite tight. We find ourselves smile a little when we see how quite systematic the natives farmed at that time. But then, if someone wants a more realistic film, the recently released, "The New World" starring Colin Farrell would be more befitting. When it comes entertainment, most average "Janes" and "Joes" do not really care about historical accuracy. Except perhaps in cases where the characters are still living or alive, or where the issue is political. In the first place, Disney did not even mention "a true story" or "based on a true story" in any of their posters nor trailers. Your last name 3 Plainly, had the producers stuck to historical accuracy, the whole project would have a totally different treatment- comedy perhaps Who knows That the real "John Smith" was stout, bearded and alleged to be a coward, is not a character suited in a love-drama that sells not only the beauty of this movie's own Jamestown but the physical beauty of its characters as well. This is reality- the reality of marketing and the reality of business. For their part, the filmakers couldn't have gotten critical acclaim for its animation and art direction without all that

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