Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Retailing and Online Brand Strength - 7155 Words

Original Article The role of retailer mindset and promotional resources in strengthening online brands Received (in revised form): 25th April 2012 Deborah A. Colton is an Associate Professor of Marketing and International Business at the E. Philip Saunders College of Business, Rochester Institute of Technology. Her research interests include online marketing strategies and international marketing. She has articles published in the Journal of International Marketing, the Journal of World Business and the International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing. With co-authors, her papers have earned awards at the American Marketing Association’s Educators’ conferences and is the 2009 recipient of the S. Tamer Cavusgil Award. She†¦show more content†¦However, little research has considered characteristics and actions that may help retailers build their brands online. This study aims to ï ¬ ll that gap by considering retailer mindset and promotional resources from the theoretical perspective of the resourcebased view of the ï ¬ rm. This examination may reveal the resources that support a strong onlin e brand, allowing researchers and practitioners to ascertain the relative value of investments in resources. Until the mid-1990s, many traditional corporations were not active in online retailing, leaving the ‘door wide open’ for Internet start-ups, known as ‘pure plays’. Since then, traditional retailers (a.k.a. bricks-and-clicks) have made substantial strides in establishing a presence on the Web. Of the $126.4 billion in sales in 2009, bricks-and-clicks accounted for 39.4 per cent; pure plays 34 per cent; catalog retailers 14.5 per cent and consumer product manufacturers 12.1 per cent.1 Early on, some argued that pure plays would dominate the online retailing landscape given their lower cost structures and greater knowledge about operating online. Others suggested that bricks-and-clicks would lead online retailing as their brands are stronger, their customer bases are larger and their distribution networks are established. Interestingly, both bricks-and-clicks and pure plays areShow MoreRelatedSuperdrugs Swot1695 Words   |  7 PagesAvailable from http://www.papers4you.com [Accessed date] Papers 4 You.Com 1. Introduction Superdrug Stores plc, one of the foremost beauty retailers is know for its ability to combines quality with exceptional value for money in both branded and own-brand products (Superdrug.com, 2006). The company’s mission is to be the customers favourite, up-to-the-minute health and beauty shop, loved for its value, choice, friendliness and fun (Superdrug.com, 2006). Moreover with the sales surpassing  £1 billionRead MoreAnalysis Of David Jones Limited, The Best And Most Exclusive Goods1074 Words   |  5 Pagescosmetics, home decors, school supplies, office supply and many more. 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