Saturday, May 23, 2020
William Shakespeare s Hamlet - Hamlet s Death - 1177 Words
William Shakespeare’s Hamlet has a multitude of not only characters, but also many different character scenarios going on as well. The play begins with us learning of the death of Hamlet’s father, King Hamlet, and the marriage of Hamlet’s mother, Gertrude, to her now ex brother-in-law Claudius. We later discover that the now king, Claudius, killed his brother and are left to question if he and Gertrude had been having an affair the entire time and whether Gertrude had a hand in King Hamlet’s death. Through two film depictions of the play, one directed by Kenneth Branagh and one starring Mel Gibson, we can see Gertrude being portrayed in that of a woman doing what she must and that of a promiscuous woman who is selfish. Gertrude’s†¦show more content†¦She might therefore have suspected him to be capable of murder in order to obtain her and the crown (which a marriage to her would assure him), but she has no such suspicions†(194). In B ranagh’s version, Gertrude plays the innocent role described by Smith much more so than that of the Gertrude of the film starring Gibson. While Branagh’s Gertrude seems to play the part of a happy wife, she also looks as if all her words and actions towards Claudius are forced, but her look upon Hamlet seems to be that of unconditional love. While both film versions depict Hamlet’s character well, Gertrude’s is not. Such as in Hamlet when Gertrude is met by Hamlet in her room and he begins discussing the way of his father’s death. Gertrude is portrayed as more of a lady with questionable morals when she kisses Mel Gibson in such a way a woman kisses her husband, which is not acted out in Branagh’s version. In this scene, Hamlet says: Look here, upon this picture, and on this, The counterfeit presentment of two brothers. See, what a grace was seated on this brow; Hyperion s curls; the front of Jove himself; An eye like Mars, to threaten and command; A station like the herald Mercury New-lighted on a heaven-kissing hill; A combination and a form indeed, Where every god did seem to set his seal, To give the world assurance of a man: This was your husband. Look you now, what follows: Here is your husband; like a mildew d ear, Blasting his wholesomeShow MoreRelatedDeath in William Shakespeare ´s Hamlet Essay585 Words  | 3 PagesIn the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, Hamlet struggles with the abrupt death of his father at the hands of his uncle. It is in the very beginning of the play that Hamlet voices his opinion that death would be a peaceful release. But as the play progresses his attitude begins to slowly doubt the serenity in death. Hamlet had been surrounded by death but had yet to come face to face with it, escaping the lessons the world was trying to teach him. It is within Act 5 scene 1 that Hamlet has a directRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet : The Mystery Of Death Or Impossibility Of Certainty Essay1497 Words  | 6 PagesThe idea of madness in Shakespeare’s Hamlet is just as important of a theme as the mystery of death or the impossibility of certainty. Shakespeare uses the aspect of madness to delve into the issues of knowledge, and lack thereof. There are three apt ex amples which help explain on a deeper level how the issues of knowledge are represented in the madness of Hamlet, and also Ophelia. Firstly, Hamlet and the vast amount of knowledge he acquires, becomes uncertain and contradictory which inevitably leadsRead MoreEssay on Hamlet Metaphor1089 Words  | 5 Pagesconcept in a literary work. This is the case in William Shakespeares Hamlet, a revenge tragedy that continually depicts the vibrant metaphors of manifesting corruption and festering disease in order to auger the impending calamities in the state of Denmark. Throughout Shakespeares play, there are successive images of deterioration, decay and death. These images are skilfully accomplished through the use of metaphors of rotting and dead gardens. Shakespeare wonderfully creates these metaphors thatRead MoreHamlet Theme Of Death1278 Words  | 6 PagesBeyond the Wall of Death (A analysis of the theme of death in Hamlet, Acts 3-5) â€Å"The undiscovered country, from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will,†(Shakespeare 144 Act 3 scene 1 lines 86-87). The question that still plagues humanity today. What is after death, where do we go? No one of this earth can answer this question. In the play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, the theme of death is one of the main themes of this famous play. The theme of death continues throughout the entireRead MorePerfect Idealism In Shakespeares Hamlet1631 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The play Hamlet is a fable of how the ghost of a slain king comes to haunt the living with disastrous consequences. A rancorous ghost and a brother s murder, lead the gloomy setting of Hamlet s Denmark. Hamlet story opens with an encounter between young Hamlet, his dad s ghost as well as the prince of Denmark. The ghost reveals to Hamlet that its murderer was his brother Claudius, who then rapidly wedded his widowed queen, Gertrude. As a result, the ghost presses Hamlet to seek vengeanceRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet - Sanity Vs. Insanity1742 Words  | 7 PagesEnglish IV Mrs. Joyner Sanity VS. Insanity â€Å"Hamlet represents the mid period of the growth of Shakespeare s genius, when comedy and history ceased to be adequate for the expression of his deeper thoughts and sadder feelings about life, and when he was entering upon his great series of tragic writings†(The World s Best Essays from the Earliest Period to the Present Time). Hamlet’s actions are entirely too extreme for him to be faking his insanity. Hamlet is constantly on the brink of insanity, orRead More hamlet metaphor Essay1073 Words  | 5 Pagesliterary work. This is the case in William Shakespearequot;quot;s Hamlet, a revenge tragedy that continually depicts the vibrant metaphors of manifesting corruption and festering disease in order to auger the impending calamities in the state of Denmark. Throughout Shakespearequot;quot;s play, there are successive images of deterioration, decay and death. These images are skilfully accomplished through the use of metaphors of rotting and dead gardens. Shakes peare wonderfully creates these metaphorsRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare Essay1453 Words  | 6 PagesHamlet by William Shakespeare explores many aspects of mankind--death, betrayal, love, and mourning. Out of these, the most prominent theme in this play is death in the form of suicide. The main character, Hamlet, finds himself questioning the quality of life and the uncertainty of the afterlife once he discovers news of his father s death and the corruption in the kingdom that follows. Ophelia, Hamlet’s lover, is found dead later in the plot and is presumed to have committed suicide. In Hamlet’sRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet Essay902 Words  | 4 PagesTo be, or not to be; that s the question†(Act III, Scene 1, P.1127) is of the most widely circulated lines. As we all know, it is also the most important part of the drama, â€Å"Hamlet†, which is one of the most famous tragedy in the literature written by William Shakespeare between from 1599 to1602. The drama was written at the age of Renaissance that reflects the reality of the British society in sixteenth century to early seventeenth century. During that period, Britain was in the era of reverseRead MoreHamlet : William Shakespeare s Hamlet1259 Words  | 6 PagesOmar Sancho Professor Christopher Cook English 201-0810 Hamlet Paper 23 May 2016 Hamlet Character Analysis â€Å"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.†(Act 2, Scene 2, 239-251) Hamlet by William Shakespeare is one of the most famous plays written that conveys a multitude theme. But most predominant is the presence of Hamlet s obsession with philosophy of life, throughout the play Hamlet philosophy reviles his point of view love, loyalty, the importance of family and friends
Monday, May 18, 2020
Native American Strength At Last I Kill A Buffalo - 958 Words
Native American Strength Throughout this course, there has been multiple themes of survival in the stories. Before they were forced to survive other than their natural way, was when the white settlers came to towards the west. They lived peacefully in these lands for thousands of years until the settlers came. As these white settlers from afar became aware of the Native people, they brought on them unyielding beliefs that would soon cause major conflicts between the two groups. It was crystal clear that the settlers and the Natives could not live amongst each other with peace, because of their different views towards, religion, land, and respect. Destruction of the Natives way of living would engulf them in a survival situation they had never previously experienced or heard of. In At Last I kill A Buffalo explains one of many daily activities that Natives participated in their natural state of survival. The Lakota, and many other tribes relied heavily on the buffalo for their everyda y needs. Not only was the buffalo prepared for food, tools, and clothing, hunting them served as significant turning point, in Standing Bears case of a trial of â€Å"the strength of my manhood and honesty.†In their culture the order of nature, was vastly respected and was understood that there was an order that nature followed, and in this they are one with the land and creatures walking on it. â€Å"Ever since I could remember my father had been teaching me the things that I should know andShow MoreRelatedNative Americans And Treaties with the Government1750 Words  | 7 Pagesprotect the forests for those who cant speak for themselves such as the birds, animals, fish and trees Chief Qwatsina’s of the Lakota Tribe. The plain natives, a respectful people, took from the land what they needed and always gave back. The settlers that came thought they were smarter and more advanced than the natives, and viewed the natives as being inferior. In reality it was the exa ct opposite. It was the settlers that had forgotten that the most basic way of life was the smartest way of lifeRead MoreBurry my Heart at Wounded Knee 1211 Words  | 5 Pageshistorical narrative of the atrocities that Native Americans were forced to endure during the nineteenth century, primarily focusing on western tribes. This will be an in depth book report/ summary on what went on in this book, the primary focus, and the minor details. The strengths and weaknesses will also be stressed in this report along with an extensive analysis and evaluation. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee provides the reader with a perspective oh American History that many do not like to give attentionRead More Christopher Columbus: The Villain Essay641 Words  | 3 PagesChristopher Columbus and his voyage to the â€Å"New World,†I believe that Christopher Columbus is a villain. Although Christopher Columbus used his courage and great navigation skills to voyage to a place unknown to the western part of the world many native people suffered from his voyages to the west. In 1492 Columbus set out to find a shorter route to Asia by sailing west to get east. In his voyage he came upon the Caribbean Islands, and a Native American tribe called the Taino. When Christopher ColumbusRead MoreCoyote in Native Mythology: Thomas Kings The One About Coyote Going West4576 Words  | 19 PagesThomas Kings The One About Coyote Going West encompasses a Cherokee variant on Native Creation, the role of Coyote, the effect of white people on Natives, and a moral lesson classic to Native mythology. Also prevalent is the clichà ©d dont fix it if it aint broke idea wherein matters of concern deteriorate when tampered with. Cherokee are a Native American tribe who mainly live in the southeastern United States and in Oklahoma. They believe that are two classes of the thunder beings, thoseRead MoreIn My Continuance On The Chosen Topic Of Superstitions1799 Words  | 8 Pageswith countries across the globe. In Part one of my last research, I found a few myths that appears similar. However, though a few are commonly practiced as of current, there is no scientific proof they are accurate. As stated, in my previous report, a recent statistic states, that only 30% of people are not superstitious, thus I can assume that the rest of the 70% does, while others won t admit that they are in fact superstitious. Therefore, I will explore some of the various myths and will allowRead MoreEnduring Vision Study Guide Essay3112 Words  | 13 Pagesthe answer sheet as your name, type your name on it, and email to me in 1 week. ____ 1. Which of the following is not one of the theories about how America was originally settled? 1-3 |a. |Siberian hunters crossed from Asia to North American during the last ice age. | |b. |Europeans sailed across the Atlantic in leather boats during the pre-Christian era. | |c. |Hunters from Asia dispersed themselves over muchRead MoreIndian Gaming1959 Words  | 8 Pagesgaming on Indian lands is significantly changing life for many of the more than 4.1 million American Indians in the United States. It has proven to be there first and most effective tool for economic development on sovereign, Tribal lands. Gaming generates a few billion dollars in much needed Tribal government revenue annually to provide essential government services to hundreds of thousands of Native Americans. It is helping Indian nations build strong and diversified economies. Gaming is creatingRead More Wounded Knee:The Ties of Religion and Violence Essay3113 Words  | 13 PagesArmy set out to intercept this group of Native Americans because they performed the controversial Ghost Dance. Both whites’ and the Sioux’s misunderstanding of an originally peaceful Indian religion culminated in the Battle of Wounded Knee. This essay first shows how the Ghost Dance came about, its later adaptation by the Sioux, and whites’ fear and misunderstanding of the Dance, then it appraises the U.S. military’s conduct during the conflict, and American newspaper coverage of events at WoundedRead MoreAn Analysis of Bob Marleys Music2994 Words  | 12 PagesRedemption Song Old pirates yes they rob I Sold I to the merchant ships Minutes after they took I from the Bottom less pit But my hand was made strong By the hand of the Almighty We forward in this generation triumphantly All I ever had is songs of freedom Won t you help me sing these songs of freedom Cause all I ever had redemption songs, redemption songs. Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery None but ourselves can free our minds Have no fear of atomic energy Cause noneRead MoreSummary : Tigress 10460 Words  | 42 Pagesthe Trinil tiger (Panthera tigris trinilensis) lived about 1.2 million years ago and is known from fossils found at Trinil in Java.[12] Tigers first reached India and northern Asia in the late Pleistocene, reaching eastern Beringia (but not the American Continent), Japan, and Sakhalin. Fossils found in Japan indicate the local tigers were, like the surviving island subspecies, smaller than the mainland forms, an example of insular dwarfism. Until the Holocene, tigers also lived in Borneo, as well
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
A Major Aspect Of The Early Civil Rights Movement - 870 Words
A major aspect of the early Civil Rights movement in the 20th century was the emergence of black communism. In the North, the Communist Party consisted of black and white members that criticized Jim Crow laws. In Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man, he portrayed the corruption concealed in the party’s structure, via the narrator’s involvement in the Brotherhood. The narrator was appointed as the spokesman for a communist coalition in Harlem. His experience in the Brotherhood caused him to be alienated from black society as well as the adoption of a restrictive, yet deceptive ideology. The narrator experienced an ironic alienation from the black community of Harlem in the beginning and during his time with the Brotherhood. He was told immediately after he joined that he must leave Harlem and move into the downtown area of New York City. Another unusual instruction was to avoid all contact with anyone outside of the Brotherhood, including family members, â€Å"†¦Our discipline demands therefore that we talk to no one and that we avoid situations in which information might be given away unwittingly. So you must put aside your past,†(309). The irony expressed by Ellison is that while the Brotherhood’s incentive was to fight for racial equality, they detached the narrator from his roots. In addition, they detached him from his connections to the black metropolis, which was where the bulk of their support originated. The suggestion for the narrator to â€Å"erase his past†shows thatShow MoreRelatedThe Abolition Of The Civil War1679 Word s  | 7 Pagesexpansion had become a major controversial element of American history, resulting in the transpiration of the Civil War. Between the years of 1861 and 1865, conflict between the North and South had emerged, causing bloodshed at America’s most dominant period of history. Throughout the year 1861, intense conflict between the North and South over issues of states’ liberties, federal power, westward expansion, and slavery had impelled the Civil War. By the end of war, the Civil War had proved to beRead MoreThe Civil Rights Achievements Of The Famous African American Actor, Canada Lee1333 Words  | 6 Pages This autobiographical analysis will define the civil rights achievements of the famous African American actor, Canada Lee. Lee’s background as a jockey, boxer, and a musician would set the stage for a major acting career in theater and in Hollywood. More importantly, Lee would use his fame as an actor to promote racial equality through the support of Hollywood magnates, such as Orson Wells, and through the theatrical/literary guidance of Langston Hughes. Lee would be become known for his role inRead MoreThe Feminist Movement1137 Words  | 5 Pagescentury, the Feminist Movement emerged and completely changed the lives of millions of women in the United States until this day. The Movement provides the new perspectives and protects the rights of women in social and political aspects. Structured Inequality/Rationale: The Feminist Movement was divided into three waves, first characterized by Marsha Lear in the New York Times Magazine in 1968 (Henry). The First Wave of Feminist Movement occurred as early as the late 19th and early 20th century. ThisRead MoreThe African American Struggle for Civil Rights in the 1960s760 Words  | 3 Pagesreasons, did the African American struggle for civil rights in the United States change between the early and late 1960s? The civil rights movement was an influential movement that has been taking place in America for many years. Victories during this time helped to raise hope for African Americans during this influential movement. In the beginning of the movement there was a focus on nonviolence, and the non-violent techniques began to pay off in the early 1960s. As the time progressed the struggleRead MoreSuccess and Failure of the Civil Rights Movement Essay1580 Words  | 7 PagesThe Civil Rights Movement had a lot going on between 1954 and 1964. While there were some successful aspects of the movement, there were some failures as well. The mixture of successes and failures led to the extension of the movement and eventually a more equal American society. Success was a big part of the Civil Rights Movement. Starting with the year 1954, there were some major victories in favor of African Americans. In 1954, the landmark trial Brown vs. The Board of Education of Topeka KansasRead MoreEarly American Transcendentalism1204 Words  | 5 PagesEarly American transcendentalism has one of the greatest influences towards American society because it is not only a philosophy, but also a religion and physical progression. During the early nineteenth century, Ralph Emerson, Henry Thoreau, and other radical individuals challenged the present day theories of values, ethics, and what it means to live life to the fullest (Timko). If early American transcendentalists were living among civilians today, would present day civilians think the earlierRead MoreAnalysis Of Bloody Lowndes1569 Words  | 7 PagesJefferies The Civil Rights Struggle Markà © C. Wrisborne AFTS/ HIST 3390: The Modern Civil Rights Movement Dr. Michael Williams November 13, 2017 Bloody Lowndes was written by a historian named Hassan Kwame Jefferies. The book details the African American struggles faced in the fight for freedom in the rural area of Lowndes County, during the1960’s. He examines different activist groups, the leaders within those groups, and their impact/ role played on the Civil Rights MovementRead MoreA Radical Analysis And Argument On The Issue Of Lgbtq Rights Movement1733 Words  | 7 Pagesto the topic of LGBTQ rights movements. Injustice has developed during the centuries to be a main problem around the world, especially in the United States. There are many different issues that injustice addresses. In order to form this, this essay will discuss the history of LGBTQ rights movements since early 1920s. In reference to the position supporting LGBTQ rights movements, the discussion will concentrate on; discrimination and injustice and respect on people’s rights. The word â€Å"LGBTQ†standsRead More African- America n Civil Rights Movement of 1955-1968 Essay1437 Words  | 6 PagesAmerican Civil Rights movements, which stretched from 1955 to 1968, aimed at restoring the rights of the African – American people and liberating them from the social and racial discrimination. This movement changed the social and political structure of the United States. The main catch was that the movement accomplished successful results following the ‘nonviolent resistance’, establishing the fact that the Christian religion believed in peace and equality. Birth of the Civil Rights Movements: UnitedRead MoreNaacp1094 Words  | 5 PagesNAACP The civil rights movement in the United States has been a long, primarily nonviolent struggle to bring full civil rights and equality under the law to all Americans. It has been made up of many movements, though it is often used to refer to the struggles between 1945 and 1970 to end discrimination against African-Americans and to end racial segregation, especially in the U.S. South. It focuses on that particular struggle, rather than the comparable movements to end discrimination against other
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Texas s School Of Public Affairs - 1588 Words
Texas Southern’s school of Public Affairs is a school of students whom effectively use their education to get them to higher places in life. Their majors set them up with investment in government, non-legislative associations, and private division professions. Also provided for the students whom excel well, is an opportunity to pursue careers in legal professions, as well as a wide variety of graduate and professional school programs. The Barbara Jordan – Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs, named for two of Houston s most recognized open workers, is an exceptional undergrad program at one of the country’s biggest Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Barbara Jordan attended Texas Southern University 1952-1956, where she majored in Political Science. Texas Southern, a black college hastily created by the Texas legislature to avoid having to integrate the University of Texas. Barbara cleared out a dream of America as a country that stands for kids, for equity, and for flexibility. She realized that our future relies on all kids having the chance to learn, to work, and to succeed. The Barbara Jordan Freedom Foundation works to further the ideals, principles, and vision that Barbara Jordan exemplified during her life and career by identifying injustices, speaking truth to power, and empowering communities to address these injustices. In 1966, Barbara won a seat and became the first African American since Reconstruction to serve in the Texas State Senate. MickeyShow MoreRelatedThe Second Amendment And The Amendment903 Words  | 4 PagesThe truth to the statement that â€Å"Texas has a love affair with the 2nd amendment more than any of the other amendments†is circumstantial depending on the interpretation of the 2nd amendment. The second amendment is the most challenged amendment because it is so vaguely worded and not straight forward. It reads â€Å"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free s tate, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.†This somewhat incoherent statement leavesRead MoreSenator Juan And The Texas State Senate Essay730 Words  | 3 PagesSenator Juan â€Å"Chuy†Hinojosa The Texas State Senate has 14 standing committees , 1 subcommittee and one select committee. The following committees are part of the field that the Texas State Senate are in charge to discuss during session in order to better regulate the conditions of the state. Administration, agriculture, Water Rural Affairs, Business Commerce, Criminal Justice, Education, Finance, Health Human Services, Higher Education,Intergovernmental Relations, Natural Resources Read MoreTinker V. Des Moines Independent Community School District1155 Words  | 5 Pagesv. Des Moines Independent Community School District, 393 U.S. 503 (1969) was a decision by the United States Supreme Court that defined the constitutional rights of students in U.S. public schools. The Tinker test is still used by courts today to determine whether a school s disciplinary actions violate students First Amendment rights.The principal of the Des Moines schools learned of the plan and met on December 14 to create a policy that stated that school children wearing an armband would beRead MoreThe University Interscholastic League Of Texas Essay1740 Words  | 7 PagesINTRODUCTION The University Interscholastic League – commonly referred to as the UIL - facilitates academic, athletic, and music competitions for elementary and secondary schools across the state of Texas. The University of Texas at Austin started the UIL in 1910 as two separate organizations, the Debating League of Texas High Schools and the Interscholastic Athletic Association. In 1913, the organizations merged and became what is known today as the University Interscholastic League, commonly referredRead MoreAnalysis Of Ballinger s Life Through The End Of The Civil War1276 Words  | 6 PagesBallinger’s life through the end of the Civil War A few people have participated in the history of Texas than William Pitt Ballinger. John Anthony Moretta written biography carries Ballinger to life as one of the most influential men of his time; lawyer, soldier Politian and entrepreneur. In Ballinger s intriguing lifetime and career he addressed some of the most significant concerns of his period, embracing secession, enslavement, establishments, and the law. â€Å"Ballinger’s professional and personalRead MoreThe Politics Of Texas State1262 Words  | 6 PagesThe Politics of Texas The state is made up of different sectors all in existence and intertwined each other. The constitution serves many functions in the operations of the government and the life of the people governed. The document houses the rules of the land and the conditions governing the way the various sectors of the economy react and act in a mutual status. The constitution is the key to the viable existence of the people of Texas providing the fundamental rules and laws for the inceptionRead Moreâ€Å"Forgive Your Enemies, But Never Forget Their Names.†–John1302 Words  | 6 Pagesat the time. John F. Kennedy is well known for his affair with Marilyn Monroe the world’s leading bombshell blonde in the 1960’s. This President is also well known for being assassinated in a convertible car while campaigning for the Democratic party. John F. Kennedy’s assassination had shook the United States because Kennedy was said to be a liked President by the people. The assassination happened occurred on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas where John F. Kennedy was out with his wife. ThisRead MoreThe Historical And Evolutionary Process That Occurred Essay1387 Words  | 6 Pagesleaders considered school as a way of protecting the new nation by establishing loyalty. You may recognize some of the practices are still in place like siting the pledge at the beginning of school. What is important to note is that education was provided for wealthy White males. Poor people, people of color, slaves and women were not included in the plans for an educated society. This paper will describe, the formation of the first Black Colleges, the current state of affairs, and conclude withRead MoreHumanitarian Assistance For Humanitarian Aid Essay1264 Words  | 6 PagesHumanitarian Operations Donny S. Vaiau 16 November 2016 Abstract Humanitarian aid is the â€Å"material and logistic assistance to people in need. It is usually short-term help until the long-term help by government and other institutions replaces it. Among the people in need are the homeless, refugees, victims of natural disasters, wars and famines. The primary purpose of humanitarian aid is to save lives, reduce suffering and respect to human dignity†(Wikipedia, 2016). The U.S. Army has servedRead MoreGuns : Students Now Armed On College Campuses1926 Words  | 8 Pagesthe state of Texas, state legislature passed Senate Bill 11 (S.B. 11). With the passage of S.B. 11 Texas joined seven other states (Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Mississippi, Oregon, Utah, and Wisconsin) that allow or have provisions that allow for the carry of concealed weapons on public campuses (National Conference of State Legislature, 2015). For a majority of higher education history, both states and individual institutions have banned weapons from being carried on campus. Recent school tragedies are
Storm Born Chapter Twenty-Three Free Essays
The similarities between the fachan and nixie attacks weren’t lost on me. Both types were water creatures, and all had seemed much more interested in killing Storm King’s daughter than fathering her child. Recalling how Dorian had said someone powerful would have had to force them to come out to the desert, I decided that figuring out who that could be needed to move to the top of my list of priorities. We will write a custom essay sample on Storm Born Chapter Twenty-Three or any similar topic only for you Order Now Rape was horrible. Death was†¦well, final. Unfortunately, I wasn’t really sure I trusted my new gentry contacts to give me unbiased advice. So I turned to my next-most relatively neutral sources. Like always, my spirit minions took a long time in answering my question. Nandi and Volusian were compelled to answer eventually, but I think they always sort of tried to wait each other out. This time, it was Nandi who finally gave in. â€Å"Mistress, there are many among the shining ones who could summon such creatures. Far too many for you to hunt down or investigate. To do so would be akin to counting grains of sand on a beach. The task is impossible. Were you to try, you would fall into a despair so dark and deep that it would undoubtedly shatter your mind and force you into insanity.†Volusian sighed loudly and shuffled so that he stood farther into the shadows of my bedroom. â€Å"Metaphors aside, mistress, she is correct. Perhaps there are not quite so many suspects but still enough to make a search difficult.†Finn, moving around my room in lazy circles, stopped his flight and scoffed. â€Å"Why are you wasting your time with all these other people? It’s obvious who’s doing it. Maiwenn is.†I sat cross-legged on the bed and swallowed a piece of my Milky Way. â€Å"Maiwenn can’t control water. Besides,†I added bitterly, â€Å"everyone keeps going on about how weak and sickly she is lately anyway.†I honestly didn’t get what the big deal was with her being so debilitated by pregnancy. I’d worked at a restaurant in high school, and there’d been a waitress there who’d stayed on her feet until the day she delivered. â€Å"Maiwenn doesn’t have to do it herself,†argued Finn. â€Å"She’s the mastermind. Other people hated Storm King. She’s probably collaborating with them and directing them to attack you.†â€Å"That seems kind of elaborate.†I swear, Volusian almost smiled. â€Å"Spend more time around the gentry courts, mistress, and you’ll find a plan like that would be childishly simplistic. Nonetheless, I find it unlikely the Willow Queen is involved. It is not in her nature. She would not kill without provocation. She is more likely to wait and observe than act on her emotions.†â€Å"Unless there was something more personal involved,†said Finn slyly. â€Å"You know, maybe a little jealousy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Apparently my romantic difficulties were no secret. Honestly, I didn’t get how gossip spread so fast in the Otherworld, particularly considering how they had no telephones, TV, or Internet. I glared at him. â€Å"She has nothing to be jealous about. Not anymore.†â€Å"Agreed,†said Volusian. â€Å"Besides, the Willow Queen is not an adolescent girl who would risk her rule to take petty revenge. She – and her peers – are far too clever. And ruthless.†Finn crossed his arms and glared at Volusian. It was kind of a bold move, considering Finn looked like a cartoon character and Volusian looked like he ate the souls of small children. For all I knew, he probably did. â€Å"Of course you’d say that. You’re trying to throw Odile off Maiwenn’s trail. Makes it easy, doesn’t it? Then Maiwenn’s assassins can do your dirty work for you. We all know you’re just waiting to kill her off.†Finn jerked his thumb in my direction. Volusian went rigid, his eyes narrowing to red slits. â€Å"Make no mistake. When I kill our mistress – and I will – I will not depend on some gentry to do it. I will rip her flesh and tear her soul apart myself.†Silence fell. â€Å"Truly, mistress,†Nandi said at last, â€Å"it is a wonder you even have the will to carry on.†â€Å"Enough,†I groaned, rubbing my eyes. â€Å"Being around you guys is like being on the Jerry Springer Show sometimes. As much as I hate to admit it, I agree with Volusian.†Finn started to speak, and I cut him off with a gesture. â€Å"But I still want to talk to Maiwenn. If she is guilty, maybe I can find out. If she isn’t, maybe she’ll help me figure out who is.†â€Å"You’re crazy,†exclaimed Finn. â€Å"You’re playing right into her hands.†â€Å"And your opinion has been duly noted for the record. I don’t need to hear it anymore.†He disappeared with a huff. I shook my head and turned to the others. â€Å"Show me where the closest crossover to her home is.†It turned out to be an hour and a half drive from Tucson, but considering how much Otherworldly travel I probably would have had to do by crossing somewhere else, I didn’t mind. This proved doubly true when the crossroads in the Willow Land deposited me within eyesight of her castle. It was only a small consolation, considering it was still freezing in her land. Back home, the weather had been hot and perfect. Worst of all, today was Cinco de Mayo. I should have spent the rest of the day drinking copious amounts of tequila, followed by a blissful blackout under a table somewhere. At least there was no wind now, but the air held a sharp, biting chill. It was dry too; I could sense its lack of moisture. Ice and snow drifts glittered with crystalline beauty in the stark winter sunlight, but it was a dangerous beauty. If you stared at the blankets of white too long, you could almost get afterimages from the brightness. I trudged down the cold road, admiring the castle in spite of myself. Unlike Aeson’s and Dorian’s, it lacked the blocky, fortress look. It was†¦well, pretty. Graceful, fluid spires rose up, their silvery white surface gleaming and sparkling. The entire structure had a curved, almost sinuous look, like a calla lily. I wondered if this simply resulted from the difference between male and female monarchs. Maybe Maiwenn just had better taste. The guards turned rightfully alarmed when I informed them who I was. They tried to coax me inside to wait for Maiwenn’s admittance, but I refused to take one step until they’d requested hospitality for me. It took awhile – during which time the number of guards circling me doubled – but Maiwenn finally sent back word that I could see her and would be under the protection of her home. A lady-in-waiting led me to Maiwenn, and she made it clear in both body language and words that I had no business disturbing her queen. She led me through twisting halls, at last leaving me in a cozy, brightly lit sitting room. Maiwenn rested in a comfy plush chair, propped up by pillows. A heavy satin dressing gown wrapped around her, and someone had tucked a blanket over her lap. Even pale-skinned and messy-haired, she looked gorgeous. She smiled at me and gestured for the servant to leave. â€Å"Lady Markham, what a pleasant surprise. Please, sit down.†Uneasily, I eased onto a delicate plush pink chair. â€Å"Call me Eugenie.†She nodded, and we both sat there awkwardly. Watching her, all I could think about was how she was carrying Kiyo’s baby. It would create a lifelong bond between them that I could never share. Not that I wanted anything like that, of course. Kiyo was out of my life. Maiwenn’s sense of propriety, being better than mine, soon kicked in. â€Å"I’m happy to receive you, but I suspect this isn’t a social call.†â€Å"No†¦I’m sorry. I wanted to talk to you about†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I hesitated, suddenly feeling foolish. What had I been thinking to come here and ask her outright if she wanted to kill me? Well, it was too late to back out. Might as well go for it. â€Å"I’ve had a couple of nasty attacks lately. Attacks meant to kill me. And I was wondering if†¦if maybe you knew anything about them†¦.†Her turquoise eyes regarded me knowingly. â€Å"Or more to the point, you want to know if I had anything to do with them.†I averted my eyes. â€Å"Yes.†â€Å"It’s no wonder Dorian likes you so much. Your bluntness must amuse him to no end.†She sighed and leaned her head back in the chair. â€Å"You may believe me or not, but the answer is no. I neither ordered nor know anything about any attempts on your life. What happened?†Figuring it couldn’t hurt regardless of her involvement, I told her everything about the fachan and the nixies. Her face stayed mostly blank, though I did see surprise flash in her eyes a few times. When I finished, her response was not what I expected. â€Å"Why do you live in a desert anyway? Willingly even?†I felt surprise cross my own face. â€Å"It’s my home. It’s not that bad.†She shrugged. â€Å"If you say so. But Dorian is right in his assessment of getting those creatures to you in the first place. Someone powerful and motivated would have had to do it.†â€Å"Do you know who?†â€Å"No. Like I said, you have no reason to believe me, but I had nothing to do with this.†She was right. I had no reason to believe her. And yet†¦some part of me noted that Kiyo trusted her. Whatever anger I felt over his withholding of information, I had to believe he wasn’t an entirely unreliable judge of character. â€Å"Could you give me names of people who could do it?†â€Å"I could give you dozens. Wouldn’t do you much good.†I scowled and slouched into my chair. The same response as the spirits. â€Å"I’m sorry I can’t be more help.†She sounded sincere. â€Å"I won’t lie: The thought of you having Tirigan’s grandson terrifies me. But I don’t believe in punishing you for something that has not yet happened – especially when you are trying to not make it happen. However†¦Ã¢â‚¬ That placid expression turned hesitant. â€Å"May I ask you a question?†â€Å"Sure.†â€Å"I know what you told me, and yet†¦well, I hear more and more stories about your involvement with Dorian. Kiyo said†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She tripped over the name. â€Å"Kiyo said I had nothing to worry about.†â€Å"You don’t. It’s an act. Dorian’s teaching me to use my magic, and in exchange, I play his girlfriend.†No point in mentioning our recent bargain. She considered. â€Å"So you’ve decided to embrace your heritage after all.†â€Å"Only enough to not do something stupid.†â€Å"You’re right to do that†¦though I’d feel better if you had another teacher. Your bargain may seem safe enough for now†¦yet I doubt he’ll let it stay that simple for long. Don’t let his charm blind you to his agenda. He’ll use you to get what he wants – and he wants the prophecy fulfilled.†â€Å"Hey, I can handle Dorian. And his charm.†â€Å"There’s more to it than just that, however. Your very life may be at risk.†â€Å"From Dorian? I doubt it.†â€Å"From his enemies.†That was a new one. â€Å"I didn’t really know he had any unless†¦well, you and he differ in opinion†¦and I guess he and Aeson don’t get along either.†I sat up straighter. â€Å"Do you think his enemies are the ones trying to kill me? To get back at him?†â€Å"Any number of people could be trying to kill you. The list of his enemies is no shorter than the ones I referred to before. Most of his have nothing to do with where he stands on the prophecy. He’s powerful, and many fear that – with good reason. When this part of the Otherworld rearranged itself, he fought to seize much more of it than he did. Only at the last minute did Katrice, queen of the Rowan Land, emerge as a contender and slice up more. The land recognized her and allowed her a portion, cutting Dorian out of larger territory.†I shivered. I had heard Roland speak of the Otherworld’s sentience, how it continually changed form and boundaries. Still. The thought of it â€Å"allowing†someone to do something creeped me out. â€Å"Many know he has never accepted that outcome,†she continued. â€Å"He would like to expand, and they see you as the means of doing it. Your human powers have been feared for years. If you manifest Storm King’s as well, they believe you and Dorian will conquer the other kingdoms. And possibly beyond.†â€Å"Everyone’s so obsessed with conquest,†I grumbled. â€Å"Why can’t they just leave things the way they are?†â€Å"Your king has grander plans than that, I’m afraid.†I wondered not for the first time who was getting the better end of this deal Dorian and I had contrived. What was it he really wanted from me? â€Å"So even people who agree with the prophecy don’t necessarily like him.†She nodded. â€Å"They would rather see your son fathered by someone less ambitious – someone they could control. Those same people could very well attempt to remove Dorian. Or, others who wanted Storm King to succeed in theory secretly believe it will never happen, so now they simply worry about the immediate threat you present to the kingdoms here.†This new development, that I was a threat because I wanted to conquer the Otherworld, was almost more ludicrous than the prophecy. â€Å"Why the hell would I want to rule in this world? Haven’t they noticed I’m human? Or at least half? I don’t have any claim on gentry real estate. And I don’t want any.†â€Å"The shining ones view things differently than humans. Humans always feel the need to point out any drop of foreign blood in a person. As far as we care, you have our blood, and that suffices. You may have a human mother, but for all other intents and purposes, most of us now regard you as one of our own.†I thought about how common â€Å"outsider†labels were back in my own world: African American, Asian American, etc. She was right. People usually called attention to â€Å"foreign†blood. â€Å"Yeah, but all that aside, I’ve made a career out of hunting them down. Doesn’t that bother anybody or seem weird for a potential queen?†â€Å"Some, yes,†she conceded. The slightly distasteful look on her face informed me she was among them. â€Å"And they won’t get over that anytime soon. But really – for everyone else – well, as I said, most consider you one of us now, and killing wantonly isn’t that out of line for a powerful leader. Nothing that Tirigan or Aeson or Dorian hasn’t done.†I exhaled loudly. â€Å"This doesn’t make me feel better. I suddenly feel like I have more enemies than before.†â€Å"I’m sorry. If it’s any consolation, Dorian’s enemies may seek you out because of your connection to him, but that very connection will compel him to protect you by whatever means he can. Conniving or not, he’s a powerful ally.†I remembered the nixies. â€Å"Yeah. He is.†Another uncomfortable silence descended, and we sat there watching each other. Regardless of how wussy I thought her condition was, she did look pretty exhausted. I hadn’t really decided if she was an enemy or not. Honestly, I’d received more things to worry about than any sort of answers from this visit. â€Å"Well,†I said stupidly, â€Å"thanks for the†¦help. I guess I should go.†She nodded and gave me a faint, tired smile. â€Å"You’re welcome here anytime.†â€Å"Thanks.†I stood up and moved to the door. My hand was on the knob when she called my name. â€Å"Eugenie†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I turned. A pained look crossed her face, one that had nothing to do with her physical discomfort. â€Å"He loves you,†she said haltingly. â€Å"You should†¦you should forgive him. He didn’t mean to hurt you.†I held her gaze for several painful moments and then walked out without another word. I didn’t want to think about Kiyo. And then, as irony would have it, I ran into him when I was about halfway out of the keep. The universe was harsh sometimes. Whatever feelings her words had kindled in me dried up at the thought of him coming to visit her. The look on his face implied I was the last person he’d expected to see there. I forcibly kept my expression cold, trying hard not to show how much I was drinking in his appearance and presence. He was as stunning as ever with that tanned skin and silky black hair curling slightly behind his ears. I wanted to run my hands through it. The heavy coat he wore couldn’t hide that graceful, athletic body. â€Å"Eugenie,†he said softly, â€Å"what are you doing here?†â€Å"I had to chat with Maiwenn. You know, girl talk.†I hoped my tone conveyed that I did not want to elaborate on our conversation. He picked up on the hint. â€Å"Well. It’s good to see you. You look†¦good. How have things†¦I mean, have you been okay?†I shrugged. â€Å"The usual. Propositions. Attempts on my life. You know how it goes.†â€Å"I worry about you.†â€Å"I’m fine. I can take care of myself. Besides, I do have some help.†Those dark, caring eyes narrowed slightly. â€Å"I suppose you mean Dorian.†â€Å"He saved me from a pretty nasty attack the other day and,†I added, feeling mean, â€Å"he’s going to help me go get Jasmine.†â€Å"That’s a bad idea.†â€Å"Which part? Getting her or relying on Dorian?†â€Å"Both.†â€Å"Well, you knew I was going to go for her one of these days. Better sooner than later.†I started to walk past him, and he caught my arm. Even through the coat, his touch sent shock waves through my body. He leaned close to me. â€Å"I want to come with you.†â€Å"I don’t need your help.†â€Å"You need all the help you can get.†â€Å"No.†I broke his hold. He moved and blocked my way again. I could feel some of that animal intensity radiating off of him. â€Å"Last time you didn’t want gentry help because it hurt your pride. You’re doing the same thing with me for the same reasons, and there’s no point. Forget how much you hate me, and worry about what’s best for the girl. I’m going with you.†He had a point about what was in Jasmine’s best interests, but his attitude bothered me. â€Å"What, you think you can make something happen by just telling me it will? You’re not going, so get over it.†â€Å"There’s nothing to get over. If you’re in danger, I protect you. I’ll be there.†â€Å"Well, I guess you’re going to have to go stake out Aeson’s 24/7, because I’m sure as hell not letting you in on the secret planning meetings.†Some of his feral demeanor dropped, and suddenly he was relaxed, collected Kiyo again. â€Å"There are secret meetings? What are you guys now, the Superfriends?†I rolled my eyes and walked past him, back to the crossroads and the warmer weather of Arizona. That ache in my chest, the one I’d had since Beltane, burned steadily the entire time. I hated what had happened to us, but I didn’t know how to fix it. I didn’t know how to forgive Kiyo. I tried to get my mind on something else as I drove home, like planning the logistics of the next Jasmine rescue. Or, considering her resistance, maybe it would be more like a smash ‘n’ grab. Regardless, I was eager to get it over with. Damn Dorian’s clause about my magic. And his stupid nobility about sex. I was almost home when I drove past a Barnes Noble. An idea leapt into my brain, a strange one admittedly, but one that couldn’t hurt. I hadn’t stopped thinking about how much potential I allegedly had with magic. For years, I’d relied on human magic – or rather the human ability to extract magic from the world. I could banish spirits and monsters. I could walk worlds. But this so-called power within me offered so much more, according to both Dorian and Maiwenn – not to mention my own barely remembered longings. I had resisted it at first, but now†¦now I wanted so badly to advance to higher levels. Dorian and I would meet tomorrow night for another session, and I hated the thought of more inactivity. He’d told me I had a lifetime to catch up on magic, but I didn’t want to wait that long. I wanted to close the gap. Naturally, the store had no books on real magic. They only carried the silly and trumped-up commercial type stuff. But they did have a science section, and within that, I found a couple shelves on weather and meteorology. I doubted these books would make me a magical dominatrix overnight, but actually knowing the science behind what I worked with had to help. It was something tangible, something I had more experience with than the weird, esoteric nature of magic itself. Volusian had once commented that as a child of both worlds, I could take the best of each lineage. I was both gentry and human. Magic and technology. I spent over an hour skimming through books on storms, the atmosphere, and assorted weather phenomena. When the store made its closing announcement, I could hardly believe it. Time had flown by. Scooping up the ones I deemed most useful, I paid and went home. â€Å"Reading is hot,†Tim told me when I walked in the door with my heavy bag. I ignored him and retreated to my room. Dumping the books on the bed, I picked the most remedial-looking one and sat down at my desk, where the Eiffel Tower still lay unfinished. I hadn’t had time for puzzles lately. With a wistful last look, I swept the pieces up into the box and put it away. The tower would have to wait. Shifting my legs into a comfortable position, I spread out the glossy, full-colored textbook. Flipping through the title pages and introduction, I finally found the meat of the book. How to cite Storm Born Chapter Twenty-Three, Essay examples
Malaysian Public Administration free essay sample
This report is only possible with the sincere dedication of our group members and Dr. WasonLueangpapat, Public Administration Professor. For the members, their contributions and hard work has been the chance to fulfill their part of the distributed duty in Public Administration of Malaysia. As researchers and editors, we especially want to acknowledge the Comparative Public Administration lecturer, Ajarn. Dr. WasonLueangpapat, to his friendly contributed lectures and every example that he has tried to make us understand. Even though, we still did not get them. The other groups that we must acknowledge are our parents who bring us up and sponsor for every tutorial fee and other financial supports. Finally, an untold number of people made it possible for us to work on this Malaysia report, including friends and former teachers in high school. We deeply appreciate the support and contributions of all. This report is a term assignment that we must research and analyze; (1) structure, (2) process, (3) challenge, and (4) change in public administration of interested country. We will write a custom essay sample on Malaysian Public Administration or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In this report, these topics allow answering such questions as: * What is the general background of Malaysia? What is the Malaysian’s governmental structure and process? * What are the challenges of Malaysian’s public administration? * How Malaysia deals with those upcoming challenges? This report has included what topics that ajarn. Wason has mentioned during Qamp;A on our group presentation, Decentralization and local governance in Malaysia: * British Colonial Legacy * Decentralization * Inter-Governmental Relationships Community Relations and Emerging Recentralization * Process Toward Recentralization and Weakening on Decentralization * Reinforcing Centralization Restructuring and Impact on Decentralization * Where to Decentralization? This report required a lot of time consuming because there are many detail to research and look through. Therefore members attempted to copy and paste information into this report which was considered as plagiarism. As the editor of this report, I had already asked them to make every copy and paste into their own languages and paraphrases. We had tried our best to accomplish this paper. Please give us a suitable mark.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Radio Frequency Identification RFID Tags †
Question: Discuss about the Radio Frequency Identification RFID Tags. Answer: Introduction: The most adopted technology that is widely used is the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology that is used for tracking goods and objects in logistics and supply chain applications. The RFID technology has two devices in the system. One part is an interrogator or a reader which has interrogation and energization function (Ariff, Ismarani and Shamsuddin 2014). The second part is a transponder or a tag which is attached to the objects and transmits the data back to the reader. The tag of RFID also has two parts: a RFID chip and antenna. This report mainly consists of two RFID systems of UHF (Ultra High Frequency) and SHF (Super High Frequency). UHF tags of RFID do not have power source which is on board instead of using antenna for harvesting energy from RF reader field and to activate the circuitry (Bagirathi and Sankar 2017). Passive tags of UHF do not transfer new power instead of reflecting back to reader the continuous wave that is received by changing the impedance of the antenna. The antenna tag should be very efficient and should be matched properly to chip so that the harvested power is maximized and also achieve a range up to 10 meters (Bashir et al. 2017). Active tags mainly have SHF frequencies ranging between 433 MHz to 915 MHz. Environmental considerations, tag selection and user preference mainly dictates which application uses which frequency. Generally RFID systems which operate on 433 MHz are favored by companies because of its long wavelength. The long wave lengths enables to work better with water and metal. In this digitization era, the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is fast growing because it has many advantages with comparison to Auto-IDs. As discussed above, the system of RFID has two parts known as tag and the reader (Bibi et al. 2017). The main function of the RFID system is to retrieve all the information automatically with the help of reader which is stored in the tag previously. There are also some limitations of using RFID tag as the tags have single antenna which is used for backscattering and receiving (Chambe et al. 2014). The chip that is present in the tag changes the impedance between the complex values and short circuit value which modulates the signal that is back scatterer according to which the information is stored inside the chip alternatively. The antenna does not receive any kind of power from reader during short circuit (Dakir et al. 2017). For this reason, the efficiency of energy absorption continues to drop significantly. Two impedance short circuit and the conjugate matched in the short circuit phase, the status will not provide maximum difference in impedance in backscattered signals that results in read the signals in shorter range. This problem of RFID has also been mitigated. The process of short circuit is mitigated by implementing dual structure of antenna. In a single RFID chip, a dual antenna structure is incorporated (Donno, Catarinucci and Tarricone 2014). With the incorporation of dual antenna, all the signals are utilized for backscattering and receiving the operations separately. In many of the antennas of RFID tags, UHF (Ultra High Frequency) and SHF (Super High Frequency) bands are proposed (Ding et al. 2014). In some of the systems, convectional antennas that are single are used and others uses dual a ntenna. The Rationale The most significant advantage of Radio Frequency Identification using UHF and SHF is that they can uses dual structure of antenna which allows the signal to read data from far away. There are mainly two types of UHF; active UHF and passive UHF. Passive UHF can read data across rooms also. The active and passive tags which are battery assisted can read the data in the tags across buildings and also in environment which has difficult Radio Frequency (Fernndez-Carams et al. 2016). The amount of data that a RFID tag stores is 100 times more than the data that are stored in barcodes. This allows to keep more data tracks that is needed in inventory which includes lot number, serial number, details of manufacturer, user, location of production, vendor, date of expiration and many more details of the product that is needed. In this report, there is an elaborated study about the use of Ultra High Frequency and Super High Frequency in Radio Frequency Identification applications. There are many advantage and disadvantages of using RFID in any applications (Huber et al. 2014). Those strength and drawbacks are elaborately described in this report. There are certain limitations of using UTF and STF in RFID applications which are researched in this report. Some case studies are mentioned as an example of UTF and STF to have details about the topic. Some recommendation as well as conclusion about using UTF and STF is studied in this report. Scope and Limitation Scope: The systems of barcode are mainly used for keeping the information of the product, cost, inventory control and many more. But these systems have some drawbacks when compared with RFID (Itoh and Machida 2014). The barcode stores very less amount of data as compared with RFID. Approximately 1000 bytes data can be stored in Radio Frequency Identification tags. The RFID tags using UTF and STF are mainly specific to each of the items, but barcodes are not specific. For handling the barcode system, human interaction is needed. Barcode needs access of time of sight to optical scanner for information that is product related (Jeon et al. 2017). If the information that is stored in the barcode is to be modified, then the whole barcode is to be replaced which is not the case using RFID. The data can be modified in the supply chain in RFID by an interaction between reader and microchip. The system of barcode is not accurate as RFID. To use RFID in most of the systems enables easy handling of the system and the scope of storing data is also high. Limitation: As there is great potential in the system of RFID in local sector, there are also some limitations of using RFID tag. The main drawback is the cost of the RFID tag. When compared to other sector in the logistics group, the cost of RFID tag is much higher than other systems such as barcode system. The leaders of industrial sector are mainly concerned about the investment return and also the net profit by making more investment of the extra cost in the system (Kamalvand, Pandey and Meshram 2016). The amount of volume that is used in the system is depended on cost. The lowest cost that is available is low as 7.2 cents and 10 million in volume and units respectively. The RFID tag is about 30 to 40 cents for smaller volume whereas the cost of a barcode is about 4cents. There is also limitation on the privacy and security of RFID system for the unauthorized readers. The customer privacy faces a great challenge (Kibria, Islam and Yatim 2013). Attackers can trace the tags easily that are used in RFID systems. There is an ID serial number in the RFID systems using tags and also broadcasts an EPC (Electronic Product Code) to all the nearby readers. For this, there is a higher chance of violations regarding the privacy. Another limitation comes from the technology. There are many systems that use radio signals for their transmission (Kuhn et al. 2016). As the RFID system is based on the radio frequency, other radio signals of different systems can change the signals. The interference degree mainly depends on the frequency of tag and the environment that is used on. There is also a lack of standardization in using the RFID tags. The Radio Frequency Identification is in its first stage and needs much improvement to go ahead. The Radio Frequency Identification has many versions which operate on different frequencies. They also need different types of readers and software (Laheurte et al. 2014). To lessen the limitation, there should be a fixed amount of frequency so that there remains a interoperability in between the distributors, retailers and manufacturers. System Implementation and Types There are several applications that use RFID with UHF and SHF. This case study presents a single sided RFID tag with dual band antenna. This tag covers frequencies of 915 MHz to 2450 MHz at the UHF (Upper High Frequency) and SHF (Super High Frequency) bands respectively. The tag antenna that is proposed in this case study has single sided structure of antenna with the ground plane (Lai, Xie and Cen 2013). The antenna that is proposed can also be used with some metallic objects without degradation in performance that is opposite to conventional tag antenna. The tag antenna that is described has a structure of dual antenna both at Upper High Frequency and also at Super High Frequency for convectional signal. There are two antennas that are independent (Marani and Perri 2015). One is used for backscattering and the other is used for receiving. The antenna 2 which is the backscattering antenna mainly enhances the reading range. The antenna with 2450 MHz acts as a single conventional ante nna for receiving signals and antenna 2 is used for backscattering operation. The antenna 2 is not utilized at 2450 MHz. The receiving antenna is in an F-shape slot and inverted L-shaped rectangular patch. The backscattering antenna is made with line structure that is of meandered type. Proper optimization can be done with the dual behavior band structure with the F-shaped and the L-shaped slots (Marques, Egels and Pannier 2016). RCS (Radar Cross Section) is used to evaluate the performance, read range and gain of the antenna. The design concept of the antenna with measured and simulated results are mainly discussed in this case study. The simulations that are used in the antenna are performed using the FEM (Finite Element Method) that is mainly based on HFSS (High Frequency Structure Simulator) of Ansys. The antenna has a dual structure with tag IC that has three terminals that is shown in Figure 1. The IC of convectional tag has two terminals that have structure of single antenna shown in Figure 2. The terminals in tag of the structure are named as common ground, RF1 and RF2. The signal terminals RF1 is used for receiving antenna and the RF2 signal is used for backscattering antenna (Meyer, Dao and Geck 2014). Ground terminal is a common terminal that is used for connecting both terminals to other terminals. The prototype that is fabricated and geometry for the dual band antenna that uses UHF and SHF and the antenna of convectional signal are illustrated in Figure 4. The antenna is fabricated with a low cost substrate with FR4 dielectric constant 4.4 and has thickness of about 1.6 mm and loss tangent of tan d 5 0.018. The antenna of Radio Frequency Identification that is proposed is mainly designed for tag chip of Impinj Monza Gen2 that has input impedance with 33-j112 X at 915 MHz and also 50 X at 2450 MHz. The antenna-1 which is used for receiving signals has two back to back L-shaped slits that are inverted with loaded antenna of the dual band (Meyer et al. 2017). After the optimization is done, the shape of antenna and slits parameters that has SHF and UHF bands are received with 915 and 2480 MHz. The SHF band has a tune of 2450 MHz. A slit of inverted L-shaped can be added to right side of the antenna to make the slit F-shaped. The electrical length of the patches increases due to t his and there is a decrease of resonance frequency. The antenna-1 which is used for receiving has inverted L-shaped slit and F-shaped slits that are loaded with rectangular patches that are evolved. The backscattering terminal has a line structure that is meandered. Both the terminals of the antenna are usually connected with the tag chip via a cylindrical structure. The actual size of the antenna is mainly 70 mm x 80 mm. Antenna-1 for receiving signal is mainly designed in a way that has input impedance is 915 MHz and 2450 MHz. This is a complex conjugate tag chip so that there is a maximum power in the antenna. The two designs of frequencies are mainly achieved by adjusting the width and length of the slot parameters in the antenna-1 (Mi and Takahashi 2016). For backscattering purpose of 915 MHz, antenna-2 is utilized so that maximum impedance is achieved which helps in making the reading range maximum. The impedance is achieved by making a difference between the short circuit and the open circuit of the operations in the tag of Radio Frequency Identification. Case study for UHF antenna: A business operator E.V. Bishoff is the owner of historic buildings in the business world. The parking facility of those buildings was not good. Bishoff wanted to have a solution that would help them to manage the parking procedure of property and also wanted to eliminate all unauthorized vehicles that were using their parking lot. The customers of their company wanted a secure parking in their offices and also wanted to have a controlled access on parking their vehicles (Radvnyi et al. 2015). He also wanted to have a controlling access for some specific customers on particular days and time. The customers want to keep track and also monitor who is coming in and going out from the parking lot. To solve this problem, a RFID barrier was provided by GAO RFID. They also provided UHF passive readers and tags. The parking barrier 410004 along with UHF Reader 216003, tags of UHF windshield of log range 116014 and a software known as LocateWare software of GAO was installed in the parking area. This enabled the visitors and tenants so that they may enter the parking area and has a secure parking without rolling the car windows or taking others help (Ramzan, Rehman and Perwaiz 2017). The parking area becomes restricted using RFID readers and tags of long range. The customers are able to enjoy a parking system that is web based and Bishoff was able to supervise the full system centrally and administer them accordingly. Case study for SHF antenna: For SHF (Super High Frequency) Band, an analysis of point to point is developed. The SHF is mainly developed to evaluate links between ship to air and ship to ship. The link model of SHF is used to evaluate a communication link. It also determines the margin of the system. After defining the transmitter subsystem by the user, the link margin is determined. It also determines the subsystem of the receiver, performance of the system at a specified level and also propagation channel. The propagation channel also incorporates the EREPS (Engineer's Refractive Effects Prediction System) and evaporation duct is affected. The analysis model of SHF (Super high Frequency) supports the budget analysis of ship to air and ship to ship links in the communication system. The analysis of link budget and the power budget is fundamental to system design to any of the communication link. The analysis of link budget or the power budget is fundamental to all system design in any communication link. The design stage has entries of tentative data that are used to establish the link feasibility. As the planning matures, the data that are tentative become link requirement (Saadi, Touhami and Yagoub 2016). There are many applications with the use of UHF and SHF in Radio Frequency Identification. They can be used in big operators of logistics in Walmart, making the toll payments without any interruption and for accessing parking of cars. The Upper High Frequency tags in RFID costs less than HF and LF. The tags of UHF have fast readable speed which helps to identify objects very fast. The range of UHF is also good when compared to other radio frequencies. The UHF mainly covers a range of approximately ten meters with band between 860 to 956 MHz.: The tags of SHF identify objects faster than any other frequencies in Radio Frequency Identification. These tags can be read from different rooms and even sometimes from different buildings with high frequency. The microwave signals of SHF of RFID can penetrate objects that are non-conducting and also has the facility to bury the tag. The disadvantage of UHF tags is the tags have more complications in RF transmission. The disadvantages of Super High Frequency are: The super High Frequency systems are more costly than the lower frequency systems. The SHF objects does not work well with objects that are in water or through water (Srinivasulu et al. 2017). The energy of the microwave is absorbed by the water. The SHF also does not work well with materials that conduct electricity like metals between the reader and the tag. When compared with SHF, UHF signals are shorter in length. The Upper High Frequency is around 12 inches to 24 inches. The antenna length is also reduced and the radio range is also reduced in UHF. There can be interference in anything from human body to buildings with the help of UHF. The interference and the dropouts are more likely but have greater occupation of bandwidth (Tabakh et al. 2016). There may be wide range of frequency and also wide range of other audio signals. Waves that are electromagnetic have a frequency range of 30 MHz to 300MHz and come in the range of Super High Frequency. The Supper High Frequency wave comes in between High Frequency (HF) and Upper High Frequency (UHF) bands. Mainly the television and the FM radio are broadcast with the help of SHF. The range of SHF when broadcast for television and FM radio usually has a range of 88MHz to 108 MHz. The SHF band is usually used for communication in terrestrial and in line of sight that is when the transmitter is seen receiving from antenna without any problem (Varadhan et al. 2013). Whereas on the other hand, the range of Upper High Frequency is about 3000MHz in the electromagnetic spectrum of wave. The UHF signals are also known as a decimeter range because the wavelength of UHF lies in between 1 to 10 decimeters. The UHF band lies between HF and VHF bands in the spectrum band. The Upper High Frequency is applied on mobile networks that are 3G with arrange of 900MHz to 1800MHz. The highest frequency in the Upper High Frequency is used in mobile networks. The UHF band use high frequency than the SHF. The SHF band is much narrower as compared to UFH band. The frequency range of SHF band is 270 MHz whereas the frequency range of UHF is 2700 MHz. The bandwidths of UHF have greater bandwidths which carry more information when compared with SHF (Vinay et al. 2018). The waves of UHF are much affected by noise or attenuation as compared to SHF. The UHF can travel much longer distance than the SHF band. The size of the antenna of UHF is smaller as compared to SHF as their wavelength is much smaller as compared to the Super High Frequency. Results of Research The main aim of standardization authorities and standards that are issued is mainly or ensure the interoperability of the equipments and also are convenience for the users. This also helps to reduce the final cost of products by the standardization process and also works against the protectionism use, licences, patents, proprietary solutions and many more. This is applicable to the products that are widely used which include consumable labels that eventually become contactless. There are certain numbers of benefits that arise from the contactless smart cards. The new innovative idea of applying the technology of contactless in these particular products is very attractive (Wang and Takahashi 2017). As the predecessors cover smart cards that are contactless, there are certain goals to manage the item in RFID. The standards of goals in Radio Frequency identification are: the tag that is used in the RFID system should be readable by all base stations that is according to the standards an d protocols of the RFID systems. All the tags should be read by the base station that should be maintained according to all standards. The merit of using these standards is that it provides a clear picture. There are certain providers and users of standards. The standards of the consumers that are mainly used by the users of the open loop systems on the electronic labels. These standards are mainly found in labeling and in SCM (Supply Chain Management) markets (Marani and Perri 2015). The demand for the standardization usually reflects a necessity of RFID system for the markets as compared barcode standards. These standards are accepted worldwide for all devices that are available for the RFID system. There are some procedures for the exchange of data in more than one RFID devices that is mainly air based, signal processing and there must be some protocols that are compiled with the devices so that they can ensure the correct operations and understand all the messages which are exchanged. There are ISO standards for the RFID technology. The ISO standards for the RFID devices have some general standards which mainly describes the OSI layers that is the physical layer and the data link layer of the OSI structure (Kuhn et al. 2016). The standards of RFID structure are ISO 15693, 14443, 18000-x family and many more. The logic data that are present in the memory fields mainly refers the lower layer or the air interface of the organization. Conclusion This report consists of a case study that explains the dual sided RFID antenna with a tag operating on Upper High Frequency and Super High Frequency which can be used on any substances even metals. The antennas that are proposed in this report show a structure of dual antenna with Upper High Frequency and a single antenna that is conventional with Super High Frequency Band. There is a use of dual antenna at a frequency of 915 MHz which increases the RCS of the device. This results in increasing the reading range of the tag and the reader. The antenna that is proposed in this system has a maximum of reading range of about 5m at a frequency of 915 MHz and 6m at a frequency of 2450 MHz. The simulated and the measured results are agreed with input impedance of antenna at a frequency of 915 MHz to 2450MHz. Recommendations As stated in this report that there are many ways to configure and implement the system of Radio Frequency identification so that they can support a wider range of applications and also support a variety of applications. 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