Sunday, May 3, 2020
Radio Frequency Identification RFID Tags †
Question: Discuss about the Radio Frequency Identification RFID Tags. Answer: Introduction: The most adopted technology that is widely used is the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology that is used for tracking goods and objects in logistics and supply chain applications. The RFID technology has two devices in the system. One part is an interrogator or a reader which has interrogation and energization function (Ariff, Ismarani and Shamsuddin 2014). The second part is a transponder or a tag which is attached to the objects and transmits the data back to the reader. The tag of RFID also has two parts: a RFID chip and antenna. This report mainly consists of two RFID systems of UHF (Ultra High Frequency) and SHF (Super High Frequency). UHF tags of RFID do not have power source which is on board instead of using antenna for harvesting energy from RF reader field and to activate the circuitry (Bagirathi and Sankar 2017). Passive tags of UHF do not transfer new power instead of reflecting back to reader the continuous wave that is received by changing the impedance of the antenna. The antenna tag should be very efficient and should be matched properly to chip so that the harvested power is maximized and also achieve a range up to 10 meters (Bashir et al. 2017). Active tags mainly have SHF frequencies ranging between 433 MHz to 915 MHz. Environmental considerations, tag selection and user preference mainly dictates which application uses which frequency. Generally RFID systems which operate on 433 MHz are favored by companies because of its long wavelength. The long wave lengths enables to work better with water and metal. In this digitization era, the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is fast growing because it has many advantages with comparison to Auto-IDs. As discussed above, the system of RFID has two parts known as tag and the reader (Bibi et al. 2017). The main function of the RFID system is to retrieve all the information automatically with the help of reader which is stored in the tag previously. There are also some limitations of using RFID tag as the tags have single antenna which is used for backscattering and receiving (Chambe et al. 2014). The chip that is present in the tag changes the impedance between the complex values and short circuit value which modulates the signal that is back scatterer according to which the information is stored inside the chip alternatively. The antenna does not receive any kind of power from reader during short circuit (Dakir et al. 2017). For this reason, the efficiency of energy absorption continues to drop significantly. Two impedance short circuit and the conjugate matched in the short circuit phase, the status will not provide maximum difference in impedance in backscattered signals that results in read the signals in shorter range. This problem of RFID has also been mitigated. The process of short circuit is mitigated by implementing dual structure of antenna. In a single RFID chip, a dual antenna structure is incorporated (Donno, Catarinucci and Tarricone 2014). With the incorporation of dual antenna, all the signals are utilized for backscattering and receiving the operations separately. In many of the antennas of RFID tags, UHF (Ultra High Frequency) and SHF (Super High Frequency) bands are proposed (Ding et al. 2014). In some of the systems, convectional antennas that are single are used and others uses dual a ntenna. The Rationale The most significant advantage of Radio Frequency Identification using UHF and SHF is that they can uses dual structure of antenna which allows the signal to read data from far away. There are mainly two types of UHF; active UHF and passive UHF. Passive UHF can read data across rooms also. The active and passive tags which are battery assisted can read the data in the tags across buildings and also in environment which has difficult Radio Frequency (Fernndez-Carams et al. 2016). The amount of data that a RFID tag stores is 100 times more than the data that are stored in barcodes. This allows to keep more data tracks that is needed in inventory which includes lot number, serial number, details of manufacturer, user, location of production, vendor, date of expiration and many more details of the product that is needed. In this report, there is an elaborated study about the use of Ultra High Frequency and Super High Frequency in Radio Frequency Identification applications. There are many advantage and disadvantages of using RFID in any applications (Huber et al. 2014). Those strength and drawbacks are elaborately described in this report. There are certain limitations of using UTF and STF in RFID applications which are researched in this report. Some case studies are mentioned as an example of UTF and STF to have details about the topic. Some recommendation as well as conclusion about using UTF and STF is studied in this report. Scope and Limitation Scope: The systems of barcode are mainly used for keeping the information of the product, cost, inventory control and many more. But these systems have some drawbacks when compared with RFID (Itoh and Machida 2014). The barcode stores very less amount of data as compared with RFID. Approximately 1000 bytes data can be stored in Radio Frequency Identification tags. The RFID tags using UTF and STF are mainly specific to each of the items, but barcodes are not specific. For handling the barcode system, human interaction is needed. Barcode needs access of time of sight to optical scanner for information that is product related (Jeon et al. 2017). If the information that is stored in the barcode is to be modified, then the whole barcode is to be replaced which is not the case using RFID. The data can be modified in the supply chain in RFID by an interaction between reader and microchip. The system of barcode is not accurate as RFID. To use RFID in most of the systems enables easy handling of the system and the scope of storing data is also high. Limitation: As there is great potential in the system of RFID in local sector, there are also some limitations of using RFID tag. The main drawback is the cost of the RFID tag. When compared to other sector in the logistics group, the cost of RFID tag is much higher than other systems such as barcode system. The leaders of industrial sector are mainly concerned about the investment return and also the net profit by making more investment of the extra cost in the system (Kamalvand, Pandey and Meshram 2016). The amount of volume that is used in the system is depended on cost. The lowest cost that is available is low as 7.2 cents and 10 million in volume and units respectively. The RFID tag is about 30 to 40 cents for smaller volume whereas the cost of a barcode is about 4cents. There is also limitation on the privacy and security of RFID system for the unauthorized readers. The customer privacy faces a great challenge (Kibria, Islam and Yatim 2013). Attackers can trace the tags easily that are used in RFID systems. There is an ID serial number in the RFID systems using tags and also broadcasts an EPC (Electronic Product Code) to all the nearby readers. For this, there is a higher chance of violations regarding the privacy. Another limitation comes from the technology. There are many systems that use radio signals for their transmission (Kuhn et al. 2016). As the RFID system is based on the radio frequency, other radio signals of different systems can change the signals. The interference degree mainly depends on the frequency of tag and the environment that is used on. There is also a lack of standardization in using the RFID tags. The Radio Frequency Identification is in its first stage and needs much improvement to go ahead. The Radio Frequency Identification has many versions which operate on different frequencies. They also need different types of readers and software (Laheurte et al. 2014). To lessen the limitation, there should be a fixed amount of frequency so that there remains a interoperability in between the distributors, retailers and manufacturers. System Implementation and Types There are several applications that use RFID with UHF and SHF. This case study presents a single sided RFID tag with dual band antenna. This tag covers frequencies of 915 MHz to 2450 MHz at the UHF (Upper High Frequency) and SHF (Super High Frequency) bands respectively. The tag antenna that is proposed in this case study has single sided structure of antenna with the ground plane (Lai, Xie and Cen 2013). The antenna that is proposed can also be used with some metallic objects without degradation in performance that is opposite to conventional tag antenna. The tag antenna that is described has a structure of dual antenna both at Upper High Frequency and also at Super High Frequency for convectional signal. There are two antennas that are independent (Marani and Perri 2015). One is used for backscattering and the other is used for receiving. The antenna 2 which is the backscattering antenna mainly enhances the reading range. The antenna with 2450 MHz acts as a single conventional ante nna for receiving signals and antenna 2 is used for backscattering operation. The antenna 2 is not utilized at 2450 MHz. The receiving antenna is in an F-shape slot and inverted L-shaped rectangular patch. The backscattering antenna is made with line structure that is of meandered type. Proper optimization can be done with the dual behavior band structure with the F-shaped and the L-shaped slots (Marques, Egels and Pannier 2016). RCS (Radar Cross Section) is used to evaluate the performance, read range and gain of the antenna. The design concept of the antenna with measured and simulated results are mainly discussed in this case study. The simulations that are used in the antenna are performed using the FEM (Finite Element Method) that is mainly based on HFSS (High Frequency Structure Simulator) of Ansys. The antenna has a dual structure with tag IC that has three terminals that is shown in Figure 1. The IC of convectional tag has two terminals that have structure of single antenna shown in Figure 2. The terminals in tag of the structure are named as common ground, RF1 and RF2. The signal terminals RF1 is used for receiving antenna and the RF2 signal is used for backscattering antenna (Meyer, Dao and Geck 2014). Ground terminal is a common terminal that is used for connecting both terminals to other terminals. The prototype that is fabricated and geometry for the dual band antenna that uses UHF and SHF and the antenna of convectional signal are illustrated in Figure 4. The antenna is fabricated with a low cost substrate with FR4 dielectric constant 4.4 and has thickness of about 1.6 mm and loss tangent of tan d 5 0.018. The antenna of Radio Frequency Identification that is proposed is mainly designed for tag chip of Impinj Monza Gen2 that has input impedance with 33-j112 X at 915 MHz and also 50 X at 2450 MHz. The antenna-1 which is used for receiving signals has two back to back L-shaped slits that are inverted with loaded antenna of the dual band (Meyer et al. 2017). After the optimization is done, the shape of antenna and slits parameters that has SHF and UHF bands are received with 915 and 2480 MHz. The SHF band has a tune of 2450 MHz. A slit of inverted L-shaped can be added to right side of the antenna to make the slit F-shaped. The electrical length of the patches increases due to t his and there is a decrease of resonance frequency. The antenna-1 which is used for receiving has inverted L-shaped slit and F-shaped slits that are loaded with rectangular patches that are evolved. The backscattering terminal has a line structure that is meandered. Both the terminals of the antenna are usually connected with the tag chip via a cylindrical structure. The actual size of the antenna is mainly 70 mm x 80 mm. Antenna-1 for receiving signal is mainly designed in a way that has input impedance is 915 MHz and 2450 MHz. This is a complex conjugate tag chip so that there is a maximum power in the antenna. The two designs of frequencies are mainly achieved by adjusting the width and length of the slot parameters in the antenna-1 (Mi and Takahashi 2016). For backscattering purpose of 915 MHz, antenna-2 is utilized so that maximum impedance is achieved which helps in making the reading range maximum. The impedance is achieved by making a difference between the short circuit and the open circuit of the operations in the tag of Radio Frequency Identification. Case study for UHF antenna: A business operator E.V. Bishoff is the owner of historic buildings in the business world. The parking facility of those buildings was not good. Bishoff wanted to have a solution that would help them to manage the parking procedure of property and also wanted to eliminate all unauthorized vehicles that were using their parking lot. The customers of their company wanted a secure parking in their offices and also wanted to have a controlled access on parking their vehicles (Radvnyi et al. 2015). He also wanted to have a controlling access for some specific customers on particular days and time. The customers want to keep track and also monitor who is coming in and going out from the parking lot. To solve this problem, a RFID barrier was provided by GAO RFID. They also provided UHF passive readers and tags. The parking barrier 410004 along with UHF Reader 216003, tags of UHF windshield of log range 116014 and a software known as LocateWare software of GAO was installed in the parking area. This enabled the visitors and tenants so that they may enter the parking area and has a secure parking without rolling the car windows or taking others help (Ramzan, Rehman and Perwaiz 2017). The parking area becomes restricted using RFID readers and tags of long range. The customers are able to enjoy a parking system that is web based and Bishoff was able to supervise the full system centrally and administer them accordingly. Case study for SHF antenna: For SHF (Super High Frequency) Band, an analysis of point to point is developed. The SHF is mainly developed to evaluate links between ship to air and ship to ship. The link model of SHF is used to evaluate a communication link. It also determines the margin of the system. After defining the transmitter subsystem by the user, the link margin is determined. It also determines the subsystem of the receiver, performance of the system at a specified level and also propagation channel. The propagation channel also incorporates the EREPS (Engineer's Refractive Effects Prediction System) and evaporation duct is affected. The analysis model of SHF (Super high Frequency) supports the budget analysis of ship to air and ship to ship links in the communication system. The analysis of link budget and the power budget is fundamental to system design to any of the communication link. The analysis of link budget or the power budget is fundamental to all system design in any communication link. The design stage has entries of tentative data that are used to establish the link feasibility. As the planning matures, the data that are tentative become link requirement (Saadi, Touhami and Yagoub 2016). There are many applications with the use of UHF and SHF in Radio Frequency Identification. They can be used in big operators of logistics in Walmart, making the toll payments without any interruption and for accessing parking of cars. The Upper High Frequency tags in RFID costs less than HF and LF. The tags of UHF have fast readable speed which helps to identify objects very fast. The range of UHF is also good when compared to other radio frequencies. The UHF mainly covers a range of approximately ten meters with band between 860 to 956 MHz.: The tags of SHF identify objects faster than any other frequencies in Radio Frequency Identification. These tags can be read from different rooms and even sometimes from different buildings with high frequency. The microwave signals of SHF of RFID can penetrate objects that are non-conducting and also has the facility to bury the tag. The disadvantage of UHF tags is the tags have more complications in RF transmission. The disadvantages of Super High Frequency are: The super High Frequency systems are more costly than the lower frequency systems. The SHF objects does not work well with objects that are in water or through water (Srinivasulu et al. 2017). The energy of the microwave is absorbed by the water. The SHF also does not work well with materials that conduct electricity like metals between the reader and the tag. When compared with SHF, UHF signals are shorter in length. The Upper High Frequency is around 12 inches to 24 inches. The antenna length is also reduced and the radio range is also reduced in UHF. There can be interference in anything from human body to buildings with the help of UHF. The interference and the dropouts are more likely but have greater occupation of bandwidth (Tabakh et al. 2016). There may be wide range of frequency and also wide range of other audio signals. Waves that are electromagnetic have a frequency range of 30 MHz to 300MHz and come in the range of Super High Frequency. The Supper High Frequency wave comes in between High Frequency (HF) and Upper High Frequency (UHF) bands. Mainly the television and the FM radio are broadcast with the help of SHF. The range of SHF when broadcast for television and FM radio usually has a range of 88MHz to 108 MHz. The SHF band is usually used for communication in terrestrial and in line of sight that is when the transmitter is seen receiving from antenna without any problem (Varadhan et al. 2013). Whereas on the other hand, the range of Upper High Frequency is about 3000MHz in the electromagnetic spectrum of wave. The UHF signals are also known as a decimeter range because the wavelength of UHF lies in between 1 to 10 decimeters. The UHF band lies between HF and VHF bands in the spectrum band. The Upper High Frequency is applied on mobile networks that are 3G with arrange of 900MHz to 1800MHz. The highest frequency in the Upper High Frequency is used in mobile networks. The UHF band use high frequency than the SHF. The SHF band is much narrower as compared to UFH band. The frequency range of SHF band is 270 MHz whereas the frequency range of UHF is 2700 MHz. The bandwidths of UHF have greater bandwidths which carry more information when compared with SHF (Vinay et al. 2018). The waves of UHF are much affected by noise or attenuation as compared to SHF. The UHF can travel much longer distance than the SHF band. The size of the antenna of UHF is smaller as compared to SHF as their wavelength is much smaller as compared to the Super High Frequency. Results of Research The main aim of standardization authorities and standards that are issued is mainly or ensure the interoperability of the equipments and also are convenience for the users. This also helps to reduce the final cost of products by the standardization process and also works against the protectionism use, licences, patents, proprietary solutions and many more. This is applicable to the products that are widely used which include consumable labels that eventually become contactless. There are certain numbers of benefits that arise from the contactless smart cards. The new innovative idea of applying the technology of contactless in these particular products is very attractive (Wang and Takahashi 2017). As the predecessors cover smart cards that are contactless, there are certain goals to manage the item in RFID. The standards of goals in Radio Frequency identification are: the tag that is used in the RFID system should be readable by all base stations that is according to the standards an d protocols of the RFID systems. All the tags should be read by the base station that should be maintained according to all standards. The merit of using these standards is that it provides a clear picture. There are certain providers and users of standards. The standards of the consumers that are mainly used by the users of the open loop systems on the electronic labels. These standards are mainly found in labeling and in SCM (Supply Chain Management) markets (Marani and Perri 2015). The demand for the standardization usually reflects a necessity of RFID system for the markets as compared barcode standards. These standards are accepted worldwide for all devices that are available for the RFID system. There are some procedures for the exchange of data in more than one RFID devices that is mainly air based, signal processing and there must be some protocols that are compiled with the devices so that they can ensure the correct operations and understand all the messages which are exchanged. There are ISO standards for the RFID technology. The ISO standards for the RFID devices have some general standards which mainly describes the OSI layers that is the physical layer and the data link layer of the OSI structure (Kuhn et al. 2016). The standards of RFID structure are ISO 15693, 14443, 18000-x family and many more. The logic data that are present in the memory fields mainly refers the lower layer or the air interface of the organization. Conclusion This report consists of a case study that explains the dual sided RFID antenna with a tag operating on Upper High Frequency and Super High Frequency which can be used on any substances even metals. The antennas that are proposed in this report show a structure of dual antenna with Upper High Frequency and a single antenna that is conventional with Super High Frequency Band. There is a use of dual antenna at a frequency of 915 MHz which increases the RCS of the device. This results in increasing the reading range of the tag and the reader. The antenna that is proposed in this system has a maximum of reading range of about 5m at a frequency of 915 MHz and 6m at a frequency of 2450 MHz. The simulated and the measured results are agreed with input impedance of antenna at a frequency of 915 MHz to 2450MHz. Recommendations As stated in this report that there are many ways to configure and implement the system of Radio Frequency identification so that they can support a wider range of applications and also support a variety of applications. 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