Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Texas s School Of Public Affairs - 1588 Words

Texas Southern’s school of Public Affairs is a school of students whom effectively use their education to get them to higher places in life. Their majors set them up with investment in government, non-legislative associations, and private division professions. Also provided for the students whom excel well, is an opportunity to pursue careers in legal professions, as well as a wide variety of graduate and professional school programs. The Barbara Jordan – Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs, named for two of Houston s most recognized open workers, is an exceptional undergrad program at one of the country’s biggest Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Barbara Jordan attended Texas Southern University 1952-1956, where she majored in Political Science. Texas Southern, a black college hastily created by the Texas legislature to avoid having to integrate the University of Texas. Barbara cleared out a dream of America as a country that stands for kids, for equity, and for flexibility. She realized that our future relies on all kids having the chance to learn, to work, and to succeed. The Barbara Jordan Freedom Foundation works to further the ideals, principles, and vision that Barbara Jordan exemplified during her life and career by identifying injustices, speaking truth to power, and empowering communities to address these injustices. In 1966, Barbara won a seat and became the first African American since Reconstruction to serve in the Texas State Senate. MickeyShow MoreRelatedThe Second Amendment And The Amendment903 Words   |  4 PagesThe truth to the statement that â€Å"Texas has a love affair with the 2nd amendment more than any of the other amendments† is circumstantial depending on the interpretation of the 2nd amendment. The second amendment is the most challenged amendment because it is so vaguely worded and not straight forward. 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